Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Won't You Just Be With Me

Be still and know that I am God.

Be still and know that I am.

Be still and know.

Be still.




Because Be is the beginning of Beginning,

and Be is the beginning of Believing,

and Be is the beginning of Belonging,

and Be is the beginning of Becoming,

and Be is the beginning of Behaving,

You're trying so hard to behave but I'm not going to let you until you learn how to Be.

I'm not going to let you even behave right until you learn to Be.

It's the beginning of Behaving.

Be is the beginning of Beloved. And you are my beloved.

You are my beloved.

Be with me.

-Jason Upton-

The simplicity of this revelation and the power in its truth is crushing me like waves. Drowning me in the realization that it doesn't matter about the friends I have or social status, my job, or education, house, car, clothes, fashion, popularity (if that's even real). It's all fading. The money I live from is just money. The places I go are just places. My efficiency is sometimes blinding. My ambitions are dust. My striving is rust. My accomplishment and success in trying to succeed is the most dangerous; I get what I want long enough that I forget what I need.
Even ministry and good works are empty if they are fueled out of striving.

I could feed the whole world but starve my soul. I could transform the earth but never be whole. I asked where I start. God, where do I start. Be with me. Be with me he said. I go deep, he pours wide. I want to mock the insecurity that is masked under 'logic', by trusting God. By trusting God. Trusting. Falling. Flying. Freedom. "Look at the birds," Jesus said, "Your Heavenly father feeds them," "Look at the lilies and how they grow. They don't work or make their clothing yet Solomon in all his glory was not even dressed as beautifully as they are. Your heavenly father already knows your needs, and he will give you all you need from day to day if you live for him and make the Kingdom of God your primary concern." (Mt 7:26...)

I'm so in love.

I'm so in love.

And all I want is to be with You.

All I want is to be.


Just You and me.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

thats a timely word right there bobbi. Once again lifting me higher. these writings are super hi-tech...... a word for your future very near future, thanks

7:04 a.m.


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