Friday, September 08, 2006

Wanton Rambling...

I put stickers on my laptop. Somehow it's a lot less threatening and the computer and I are getting along nicely now that it has a bit more personality. I also built my new room over the last few days. (To the Uninformed Reader: I've moved to Redding, California as of last Saturday; I'm going to a Jesus School for a year). Creating my room required a lot of shopping. Those closest to me know that I am not an avid shopper, so this was a tedious task. The first day was actually great but after three days of shopping for closet organizers and pillows, I want to puke a little bit when I drive by a mall.

My roommates are stellar. Three girls: Sarah, Jessica, And Nikki. We live in a comfy apartment...with a SWIMMING POOL! But it's California, so that's really normal, and I'm probably the only person in the apartment complex that uses it. Everybody dresses in long pants and T's, even sweaters and coats, and I just think that's insane because it's like at least 36-40 degrees most of the day. Bring on the pool!

Sundial is a bridge close to my house that crosses the Sacramento River. It's funky engineering amongst beautiful landscape, it's one of my favourite spots in Redding so far. I run down there every morning (so far), but yesterday was special because I came accross a rattle snake. I was oblivious until I'd barely passed it and this dude behind me on a bike start's yelling at me, "Woah check out that rattler!" Crazy. Another is Bethel Church's prayer house...I can't properly furnish its description, but it's beautiful and absolutely shrouded with peace and Spirit, and it feels as though you can breathe more deeply.

My "accent" gets a lot of attention. I'm only now becoming awkwardly aware and try to especially avoid the following words: out, boat, pillow, bag, about, pasta, and eh? Truth be told I like having an Alberta plate on my car, and I'm not working too hard to assimilate my accent, I love being Canadian and enjoy the distinction. I just have to adjust to being the crux to many a smirk and jarred expression, and also to being randomly overruled in a sentence...

"So, if I follow Hilltop drive out to-"
"Woah, woah, woah, did you just say out?"
"Well, how do you say it?"

I'm Canadian. It's out.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Well now that I've read your blog, that answers some of the questions I spewed on you in my email but i still enjoy long replies - just so you know :)
I'm glad that you and your laptop are becoming better friends - it's a good place to be.
Your favorites so far of Redding are my favorites too!! You must spin on the bridge at night time - simply glorious I tell you!!
Oh Bobbi I miss you! I need to come for a visit sooner than I realised. haha. oh the joys....
i hope you are having a marvelous day today - and that you FEEL encouraged and FULL of love.

2:33 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ok, I know I've written you billions already today but i have one more hunch...are you by chance roomates with Sarah..I believe her last name is Stromberg?...because if you are she rocks and I would be SO happy for you!
Anyway...just about enough ramblings from me!

2:53 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

thanks for introducing us to the world of blog - up here in the great white north our computer skills are limited - last week we just crawled out of DOS Land.

We love hearing what your up to...thanks eh!
Uncle Pierre & Auntie Natasha

7:59 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi Bobbi its really cool that you have a blog.I hope school will be good 4 u this year. So lucky its in Calafornia!
Bye, Myranda

8:23 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hey chickita,

Well, well - it sounds as though you are quite enjoying California. I'm jealous!

I'm all settled in down here in Calgary and getting ready to start at school on Monday. And I'm going to guess you've settled in nicely there as well. I found your last entry quite comical. You have a clever and keen way with words. It's refreshing.

So are you liking school? What are you doing for fun? Or is it fun enough just having sunshine all the time? The weather here has been beautiful. Sorry, I'm just trying to make Alberta sound as cool. But truly it is gorgeous here at the moment.

And this blogging idea is great. I have to admit I have never blogged before. Great way to keep in touch.

I hope you have an excellent week meandering around Redding. I look forward to hearing from you soon. Take care and God bless!!

Ciao bella,
Auntie Christy (hee,hee)

11:00 a.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Oh Bobbi Joe so glad that your fitting right in. By the sounds of thing your havig a really good time so far. I am are so excited to hear about what going to be happening in your life to come in this next year. I want to hear everything. I know that you are going to be truly increadably blessed at this experience, you will find God's love on such a new level and I can't wait for that. anyway just wanted to let you know that if you ever need pray or anything, I am more than willing. be so blessed.
Torwalt David J the 22nd

1:56 p.m.


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