Saturday, October 14, 2006

The Five W's

Who: Bobbi Jo.

What: Hasn't blogged her adventures.

When: For a very long time.

Where: Anywhere. But mostly from California.

Why: Excuses...none really satisfy.

So, Here I am now. Feeling a lot. Thinking a lot. Loving most. But really really not sure what to write. I don't want to be preachy or least right now. I'm calm. My life is amazing right now. And as redundantly fairytale as it sounds, I think it will be forever. Not that stuff doesn't happen and life isn't tangled. I just know that I'm really touching something deeper than all that.

But on a surface level my quality of life is rather supreme in my opinion. I moved out to California, I have a car and a snowboard pass. (Really in California? Ya.) Friends and lots of fun.
I know that tough times develop perseverance and character, but oddly I feel strengthened and deepened in this environment. I think a big part is that others have broken path before me and my seeking is accelerated by their unearthed treasure.

And sometimes, sometimes like now, I feel alone. Sitting on a patio at an empty parking lot using the internet connection in the shade. A wonderful alone, because I realize I really don't feel alone at all. These simple moments are water to me because I know that my love for God is true and real and very much alive, even away from all the awesome currents and tides of the people and passion of this place.

I wonder what people must think about me always saying I'm in love with God. It could sound like a nice metaphor for enjoying life. It could be very clear. Maybe a mystery. Could sound crazy. God is a Lover looking for a Lover.

I'm at peace. In deep rest. In deep adoration. In deep love.

The clouds are wings brushing the silouhettes of mountains, and the breeze is soft. This Coldplay song is beating in my heart...I think it's being sung to me...

My song is love,
love to the loveless shown.
And I'm on fire for you,
you don't have to be alone.
you don't have to be on your own.

And I'm not gonna take it back,
and I'm not gonna say I don't mean that;
You're the target that I'm aiming at,
and I'm nothing on my own.

Got to get that message home,
I love you please come home.
My song is love.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

You are so articulate. He's given you words to speak. I love it. I love you. I love Him in you. I miss you. SO FREAKIN' MUCH. I'm proud of you. You have captured His heart Bobbi - I can see it, it's written all over your face, all over your heart and in your words. True love.


11:04 p.m.

Blogger Rissa said...

B, I need to officially meet you. I'm at the school, from Edmonton. I know Kayle.

I'll come introduce myself sometime.

2:30 p.m.

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Mimmi and Grandpa say Hi and send their love. They are leaving for Phoenix tomorrow morning. Pray for a safe trip.

Love you Uncle Pierre and New Aunt Natasha and Grand parents from the GREAT WHITE NORTH. It's a bombing +5 C.

7:20 p.m.


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