Saturday, November 25, 2006

If Blogging were a Rambling Group Email


The last month has been...everything.

So many stories I'm not sure what to say, so let's go with RaNdoM...

I just got back from Mexico a day or two ago, I went on a road trip through Cali with the lovely Devi Jo and some local Redding crew. Highlights of that trip: Devi, friends, meeting new friends, seeing old ones, good coconut popsicles, surfing (learning) in San Diego, praying with San Diego/Maui crew Sunday night: all of us moved by that encounter. The standing wave! This was friend Kawika and his friend Reed (lead singer from the band fact they were having thanksgiving with P.O.D the next day) were able to hook up with their friend Peter King who is part of the Hurley surf team promo and photography that Kawika had known from when he was surfing professionally and North Shore....all this to say that Peter hooked us up to the wave house which is basically an artificial wave in a pool, but it's super expensive to go and especially to rent it out. It was quite a neat little experience, to watch that is, Devi and I just chilled in the hot tub.

There's so much to say and I'm going into detail about strange things. I went to Danny and Sheri Silks house for thanksgiving which was this past thursday..mmm tasty. The Silk family do I put this? Amazing. And it was such a privilege to be invited over. Danny is one of the main pastors/leaders here at Bethel, and Sheri is in leadership at my school.
School...speaking of which has been awesome....woah.
Heidi and Rolland Baker were here a week ago. They're missionaries in Africa...they see blind people see, deaf hear, and dead raised on a daily basis, and they care for thousands of orphans. It's a ministry of love and truth with power. Having them here was astounding. Heidi especially is just like a child, simple and free and honest...and joyful!

Also, I'm going to March I think. More on that when I know more. It's a missions trip.

Oh, update on my skateboarding crash from the last entry. It's very healed up. Actually about a week after it happened I was at a friends house and I had it all bandaged up and her roomate wanted to see how gross it was. So I took off the bandage and it was all gutsy and deep still, and bloodyish because I had been keeping it moist (thanks Mumbys for the advice!). So, Brianna's all oohing and aahing and Alisha's just like let's pray and see what happens. So she starts praying and then says, "Skin grow." And my skin started to grow back before my eyes and that spot on my leg got really hot. We actually got out the video camera and filmed it and you can see it change, it was crazy. The wound had completely closed up and I walked out without a bandage and then from there the new soft skin just got stronger and more healed quickly over the next couple days. So, yay! God is cool.

Well, my lovely friend Kalie is here from Red Deer so we are going to go on some adventures this afternoon.

Love you all,


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I miss you miss Bobbi!!!


1:15 p.m.


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